This book was originally what I was going to bring to Small Press Idol with Denman Rooke (the artist), but after discussing it, the nature of the competition would have given away too much of the story before a sequential page was even drawn up, which seemed to defeat the purpose of a book that really needs to be breathed in slowly, not snorted (that sounds sick, doesn't it... hope that made sense). The point stands, though! I think the competition is PERFECT for Faction, but this book would have lost a bit of its punch by giving too much away too soon. So, Denman has been fitting in this book as much as he can given his busy schedule. He's a full time artist, doing everything from web design to commissions AND he's in demand (a good thing and testament to his skills), but, as a result, we haven't gotten quite as far as we'd like by this point. We're still shooting to have a submission package ready by SDCC or before, though!
Anyway, so here's a summary of what we've done so far without giving away plot points.
PAGES... Well, I don't think this gives anything away, so I'll go ahead and actually share something! Just ignore the background, but check out the pencils Denman has put out for this puppy... wow! THIS is why I'm working with him.
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