As far as what happens with Faction after the competition, the entire creative team is dedicated to bringing more Faction after the Zero issue, which will hopefully be a relief to some people. Even early reviews, both from Project Fanboy ( <-- VERY EXCITING) and the first "judge" review from the SPI crew ( are very positive and just reinforce what we already knew, Faction is an epic story that must be told.
To give you and idea, here are some great quotes (thanks to Drake from Project Fanboy and Roger from SPI).
Roger (SPI Judge):
"The scripting has a bit of Da Vinci Code feel to it, what with the secret society of the Enlightened and what have you sounding a bit like the Opus Dei society from the book in question, minus the powers and stuff."
"...I really like the overall artistry and flow with this entry. I can totally see this being a book worthy of purchasing, especially if you're someone with a military background, or you know someone who is (or has been) in the military and stationed in Afghanistan or Iraq or other troubled hot spots."
"...there is some true grit in this compilation. Artwork and scripting as well as the technical merit in this entry has some marketable punch."
"...I can see this even as a full feature movie, it has that level of caliber to it. Great job!"
Drake (Project Fanboy):
"... Now for those of you who are familiar with, you’ll know that I don’t review comic books often. We have an extremely enthusiastic set of staff members who took over for this role from me a while back... the description from the publisher made me HAVE to bring back my review-writing."
"I’m a big fan of war-based fiction, future-based fiction as well as anything where the characters have to beat the odds – this comic combines all of these. As I read through the comic I found it flowed extremely well – you don’t often see this in the first issues of a new comic. With each frame I found there was enough dialogue, but not too much to overwhelm the reader."
"... the art complemented the dialogue beautifully. I found that Hendrix has layed out the plot nicely to ensure that the flow moved smoothly and helped us understand (in a very short time) who our main character is. Within a handful of pages I quickly knew the type of person Acker Kinney is, and his character was established nicely within the plot development."
"I continued reading the comic finding myself excited at the end of every page – waiting to flip to the next one. Just as I got REALLY eager to flip, I found that the comic was finished for this issue. In my opinion, this was an excellent move by Hendrix as I am now eager to see the next issue."
"... I think you’ll be happy with this comic. I’m certainly hope issue 1 follows in the same footsteps of its older brother Issue 0."
If this makes you want to order the book or encourage your local comic shop to order, see below!
FANS - There are two ways for fans to get Faction Zero.
1. Order direct - Look up Faction, or item DSP-I09-F0. You can download for $2.00 or purchase the printed version for $3.50 plus postage BEFORE AUGUST 31st! FYI: If you would like to pay using a credit card, select PayPal as the payment type and you can pay with a credit card WITHOUT signing up for PayPal.
b. PDF DOWNLOAD - Go to your local comic book store and give them the below retailer information, explaining that you want them to carry the book and, well, hopefully they will! Make sure they place their orders ON OR BEFORE AUGUST 31st!
RETAILERS - There are two ways to get copies to your store.
1. Order from Haven directly by going to, sign up, send a mail to Haven requesting to be set up as a retailer account, gather pre-orders from your store and then search for Faction to order. All orders must be turned in for Faction on or before AUGUST 31st! Issues will deliver in September.
2. Order from DimeStore directly by going to, sign up, send an email to DimeStore requesting to be set up as a retailer account, gather pre-orders from your store and then search for Faction DSP-I09-F0. Issues will deliver in September.
Please note, the order code DSP-I09-F0 is Case Sensitive DSP-I(letter)0(zero)9-F0(zero).
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