So, took a trip to Hollywood yesterday, which was awesome... the drive there and back, though, certainly was not. Had a meeting at 4:30 pm. Knowing how traffic can be in the Los Angeles area at the drop of a hat, I figured I'd give us (my wife and I) about three hours to get there. Good thing we did! We left Carlsbad (where my wife works) around 1:45 pm and headed north. The 5 was dead stopped in Carlsbad, very strange heading north on the 5... South, sure it's a nightmare a lot of the time, but not north, at least not here. We dug in. Amanda (that's my wife's name if you didn't know) fell asleep (don't blame her) and I waited and waded. Eventually traffic dispersed and we were cruising for a big... just to slow down again.
I found myself doing math in my head, calculating if there was any shot at making the meeting on time or would I need to start making phone calls?!?!?! Eventually we were in the Los Angeles area thinking we may even have time for food. We hit the 101 and boom, gridlocked. 9 miles or so to go on the 101 and based on my math, it was looking like it would take as much time as we had left just to get off the highway! Luckily, the traffic gods were smiling on us and we were off the highway just before 4:00 pm. Getting to where we needed to be I almost hit someone with our car (would have left a nice dent), made a couple of other hair-brained moves, but we arrive at about 4:15. Started early, finished on time, walked away a happy camper. What was the meeting? Nothing. :) (insert innocent smile here)
After that, we hit a couple of comic shops in the area to check them out (and bought a few things, so thanks to Meltdown and Golden Apple for the awesome selection!), which was great. I've never been into either before because, well, I don't often go to Hollywood, let alone with directions! Dumb, huh? I know better now.
The drive home was a complete mess... We wanted to stop by Long Beach to check out a shop there, Pulp Fiction, because I've heard about it and that it was great... I had directions, but we got off the highway to look for a Jack in the Box and got a little turned around. Next thing you know we're on the 710 heading south around the Queen Mary! Kept trying to get to the highway so we could get home and ended up completely screwed up. Eventually, we stopped at a gas station and I asked 3 guys waiting for line to buy soda or something for some guidance and they pointed us the right way. We missed out on Pulp Fiction since it was well after 9pm by this point, but at least we were heading home... Doh!
I don't typically do this, but I have to say, Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1? Awesome! I've been a fan of USM since near the beginning (well, ok, I started reading at issue 13 and backtracked) and I'm soooo glad Bendis has stuck around with it and the new numbering hasn't affected the quality of the book. David Lafuente's artwork is stunning, too... I loved Bagley's work on the book, I've been a HUGE fan of his since the 90's, but the fresh blood works, too, and adds an air of innocence to the book I find refreshing... Project Fanboy does a little more of a comprehensive review ~ ~ so check that out... I commented on there, too. ;)
By the way, the picture attached is one of the Evil Tree Pages, drawn by Denman Rooke, words by me...
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