Since many missed out on it, here's the third part of Acker's bio... enjoy!
If you haven't picked up your copy of Faction 0 yet, just under two weeks left!
FYI, with the trend how it is, we may not win this thing without some more fan support, so please, if you haven't already, please go and pick up a copy of the Print or PDF versions of Faction.
And for a little bit of Faction Facts (better than a snippet, I don't know)...
Here's another bit of Acker's Bio pre-issue 0...
On Sept 11, 2021, twenty years after the devastating attacks on the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, Al-Munajj’s new al-Qaeda struck again, the largest coordinated attack in history. Bombs went off worldwide, planes collided with buildings, trains crashed, busses flipped, key politicians were assassinated, and chaos ensued on 12:01 am GMT Sept 11, 2021. For every attempt that was thwarted, ten were successful. There was not the manpower or intelligence available to prevent everything that happened. When the attacks struck, I was a “young” master sergeant training the next generation of Special Forces medics in Kansas. I didn’t find out until that night that my parents died when a bus exploded in London where they were on vacation. I wasn’t married, I didn’t have kids, I didn’t even have a serious relationship besides friends in the service. Suddenly the military was the only family I had left.
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