Saturday, August 29, 2009

Faction - Need a hail mary pass from the fans, what it means, reviews, & check us out online

Well, this is it! Just 2 days left in Small Press Idol 2009 - Last time to order Faction and have it count towards the results is midnight EST on Monday August 31st. If you haven't already picked up a copy, please go get one. A print version is $3.50 plus shipping and a PDF download is just $2.00. You can click on the image above to get into the store to buy one.

I have to say it has been challenging, fun, funny, frustrating, rewarding, and just about every other emotion under the sun the last six months (yes, the contest has been going on that long), but absolutely worth it. I started the competition with a notion that I was going to make it in comics one way or another. I've walked away with more ideas than I could have dreamed, somewhere over 30 now on my handy-dandy pen drive. Why and how so many? When you're focused so much on the creative side of things, more ideas just keep flowing to you! In a world like Faction's, it's completely possible to throw more and more in there, but at some point you have to stop adding to the idea. Faction as a world is robust enough without me pouring every new idea into it.

While I'm rambling (yes I know, I know)... Winning Small Press Idol is something I've been dreaming of since joining the competition. I've had my moments where I wasn't even sure I was going to make it through rounds, but not because of the quality of the book, but because other contestants managed to get more voters and support for their projects. My "friend-base" may not be as large as others', but I hope by now my fan base is equally as large as the other contestants'.

I went from starting Small Press Idol and thinking Faction was a pretty cool idea and a story worth telling. As I wrote it, the idea grew and became more and more of a dream to write. Adding in Arnie for art and then Mike for colors just put the book in a place where I can imagine it sitting on the shelf next to new copies of New Avengers, BatMan, and Invincible. Why, you ask? Well, look at the cover and the pages! Despite everything, a high majority of the reviews and feedback of Faction have been nothing but encouraging to that fact. Showing pages to comic book shops and fans have helped to cement that as well. No one to my knowledge has walked away saying, "darn it, I just wasted X money on that book."

There's so much more to tell, though... Faction is something that I can write for dozens of issues, the plot is already outlined, the details written, just waiting to be put into script format. Things will happen to challenge the characters in the series and the world on a fundamental level... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

This isn't just another action book, though there is action.

This isn't just another "tough as nails" character in Acker... he's all about economy of words and action, but he has been through so much, he can't help but have a harder exterior. Inside, though, is someone who just wants to help.

This isn't just another cast of archetypical characters... each has their own unique identity despite the destinies that push them.

This isn't just another battle of good versus evil... Evil has many faces and good has just as much of a reason to destroy as evil. War makes strange bedfellows and Faction makes for complex alliances. Just because you think they're "evil" doesn't mean you don't have to work with them for a common goal. Just because they're "good" doesn't mean they won't kill you for their ideals.

Just some food for thought...

Faction needs your help to continue it's epic journey... Please pick up a copy today...


Geek Syndicate
FBomb Cast
Comic Related
Interesting Fodder
Project Fanboy

Thank you! If you have ANY problems placing orders, please email me... If you want to tell us what you think of the book, email me that, too! As always, you can join up online and follow what we're up to... see below for links....

Bearded Lady Online
Bearded Lady on Twitter
Bearded Lady on FaceBook
Faction on FaceBook

Erik Hendrix

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